Why learn digital entrepreneurship? Trying out new business ideas is cheaper, faster, and easier in the digital world. With access to millions of customers, the digital world offers many new kinds of business opportunities, and some new risks. In key respects, “born digital” businesses are a new and different reality for entrepreneurs.
Why use this book? It provides clear frameworks, and step-by-step processes, to take students through the major steps of digital entrepreneurship: designing a new digital business; prototyping a new business online; connecting to web analytics; testing user experience; and acquiring new customers through search, social, and other digital channels. No previous tech experience required.
How can I use this book? Either on its own in a dedicated course, or as a way to add real-life project work and digital skills to an introductory or capstone entrepreneurship/business course. Technical courses can also use the book to add an entrepreneurial component. Self-study works too!
Who loves this approach? Students enjoy the opportunity to try out their business ideas quickly and easily. Educators appreciate the ability to bring entrepreneurial and technical education to life. This approach has even been recognized with awards.